Saturday, May 19, 2007

Quote of the day
I dont know Kung Fu

two more essay then I go back to japan for summer.


Polar ocean 'soaking up less CO2' reports BBC.

Well, I think this CO2 issue has to to be notified differently to the public.
Although, this issue can affect our future, not many people are not taking it seriously (they think its in another world)

So I made a list to attract? people (as usual)

  1. change O2 phone to CO2 phone and design it horribly
  2. O2/CO2 meter everywhere in town
  3. New Law: 13.2 CO2 has to be mentioned at least twice a day, otherwise punishment
  4. John Lennon should sing about this.
  5. No car, No CO2
  6. No O2, No life
  7. make O2, not war commercial
  8. put some colour on CO2 then you can tell which one is CO2 everyday
I hope this would work well.

C for Crap

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Yay, Seiji, you're updating again! I know I stuck your blog in my feed reader for a reason... ;-)

I'm starting a new blog soon, wanna get back to some writing over the summer!