Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The Word "Crap"

Okay okay okay.
I was thinking about the word "crap"

Here are lots of crappy things

  1. crappy pen (clear colour)
  2. crappy red pen (green)
  3. crappy meat (smells like fish)
  4. crappy computure (no keyboard)
  5. crappy music CD (1 song with 15 bonustracks)
  6. crappy house (made from Tofu)
  7. crappy bed (width 20cm)
  8. crappy movie (a big dot on the left side whole time)
  9. crappy movie2 ("the name of the movie" 3.2)
  10. the crappiest movie (the Hulk) just remind you that I HATE this movie
  11. crappy headphone (2cm between left ear and right ear)
  12. crappy moble phone (only can take picture)
  13. crappy video camera (have a 30min tape built-in unrewritable)
  14. crappy TV (no button to change the channel)
  15. crappy clock (tell a lie)
  16. crappy shoes (both left)
  17. crappy car (with 1 tyre)
  18. crappy light stand (turn on when its light)
  19. crappy oven    (max 37℃)
  20. crappy memory card (0.01g)
  21. crappy blog (this)

WELL, I have to say...

C for Crap

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