Monday, November 21, 2005

Quote of the day
Could you please tell Jack to tell Jack A to tell Jack B to tell Jack C to tell Jack Dee to tell Jack E to tell Jack to tell Jack F to tell Jack G to tell Jack H to tell Jack I to tell Jack J to tell John McClane that We cant wait to see Die hard 4.0?

Jack J: Stop making a stupid movie.


After I left New Zealand
(Thnx, Avril, and Alex)

One of my kiwi (NZ) friends sent me an email with a picture.

A picture of one page of NZ Music Magazine whatever it was

Seiji: Whats this all about? CD cover design contest?
I dont get why she sent it to me.




The Picture of Me and Sam in NZ!

We look sooo stupid

Oh well, if its gonna be on the someones CD
I denetately will buy at least ten one CD.

C for Crap

1 comment:

Sam said...

Woah, I'm famous! Cheers Alex!

Dam im hot.