Quote of the day
I managed to get some sleep on the way home. (nearly had an accident)
My special skill
-Walking with sleeping
Computer granddad (Thanks to Mark White)
Well, After the gobsmacking discovery, I made new song called
LapTop Grandad by Seiji Nakano inspired by Mark White
Hiphoppy sound
Lap Top Lap Top Lap Top Grandad
Yo my grandad is a Lapper and a rapper loving frank zappa
He is like Windows, he cannot win dudes.
and he is a lapper and a rapper loving frank zappa
cheesy guitar solo
conga colo
he's got a wireless connection yo
he's got a highest quality yo
but he only loves computer grandma
only loves computer gradma
He is not in control.
He is the one controling her
my grandad is a lapper(lap top) and rapper, loving frank zappa
Cheesy guitar solo
smashing all equips
black out
-The End-Im sorry
C for Crap
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Quote of the day
Thank you so much for sympathising with me reading my blog
Imaginary diary
Thursday 26 January 2006
Well, I have to say it was a great day. First I woke up at 7:17am. then ate breakfast, watching sky news. The guy was still swimming to England from Japan. Anyway, left home at 7:27am. arrived at school at 7:37. Then we had two lectures which were "How to cheer up grumpy taxi drivers" and "What is Rock'n Roll? by William Shakespeare". After lectures we went to train station to find taxi (Obviously we were trying to cheer up taxi drivers). I did work a bit, but we need more practise. then it started raining. We were quite depressed. everyone went home. I was alone. Then some wierd guy came to me and said, "Hello, You look sad. Would you like to have this lollipop?" I was feeling uncomfi with that guy. I was thinking that he could poison me or something. After while, I said "Oh go for it." So i had it. then... then... nothing happened except I had bad stomachache. He was just a nice guy. He also said "even if you having a bad day, say it is a great day. then you feel better" Then I went home. and slept at 6:16pm.
and now, it is 1am writing this, thinking "Why the hell am I writing this C instead of sleeping.." I really should sleep. honestly, ive got lecture at 9:30 tomorrow.
C for Crap
Monday, January 23, 2006
Hi, could you please go away?
I find quite hard to update on these days.
Im trying hard.
Computer grandma
There is a song called Computer grandmother in japan.
THis is such a wierd song, but I used sing it at school whole day.
it goes like this
(translated to English by Seiji)
Computer Grandma
Computer Grandma
Everyday shes doing same thing.
Computer grandma
Computer grandma......
She is in control!
Someone was giving us a message, asking for a help
Damn, why didnt I realise that. I couldve helped her. I was singing that song for fun. I am a horrible person.
We must be in control as well.
Now it is time to say
C for Crap
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Quote of the day
You have 4 new messages.
1. ......? 2. ...... 3. ........ 4. ...........ah...
press 3 to Delete
well it wasnt a quote at all. I must have menta.. some kinda problem.
Jamie, my friend who is the drummer of my band, painted a "Dada" picture for my christmas present which is this
Thank you so so so much for this. I love this particularly C=Crap part.
New TV show
After the awful TV show "Who wanted to be a millionaire" I am about to make new TV program.
This astnishing, and brilliant TV show is
- This is a reality show about the audition for Hexing.
- keyword "Ive got a "hexfactor"" with making H with your arms.
- They all look phony.
- They all look skinny.
- Thier voice are all thin.
- Winner gets a new crystal ball (£20)
Im sure I am the first person who thought about this.

What the...?


Between you and me, there is no differences.
I think about what you think about.
People are all same. I am against War.
Give Peice a chance
C for Crap
Quote of the day
I am Seiji Nakano the c tap-dancer
apologise for not updating lately. Ive been too lazy busy.
Motivation can be easily affected by circumstance you are in. For instance, I like to be in busy life whole time because if I have a day-off, I become really lazy and do nothing and stay in the bed whole day. On the other hand, I am motivated when I am busy.
However, even though some people, like me, dont have enough time to chill out, they still try to make it busier. just "killing" themselves. and this is why these kind of people always look le tired.
and this is why I fell asleep after dinner, leaving all HW unfinished.a LAME excuse
Now I am fully awake and doing some HW/revising in mid-night.
C for Crap
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Quote of the day
I think I know what you mean...... sorry what did you say?
What scientists should be
resourse from BBS news."Why does the old stereotypical image of scientists persist?"
Well, This is what I think scientists are like.
- "Afro" Hair- because of the image of explosion
- Big eyes- coz they are simbol of psyco.
- a pair of glasses- coz they read many books and their eyesight get worse.
- dark rings under eyes- coz they dont sleep much
- tightened mouth- not to swallow poison.
Great Scoot!
(Unexpected ending)
C for Crap
Monday, January 09, 2006
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Quote of the day
I woke up at 5:30.........pm
When I was walking down the stairs in Sagrada Familia, I found them
Great. I was really angry. Why these kinda people dont understand how stupid thing it is.
One of them were "Tom Loves Jessica 2003"
What if, they broke up and Tom comes here with other girlfrie.... Ah there are so many Toms anyway.
Never mind
There were many words engraved on the wall at Sagrada Familia.
like this
What the.....
Took me 30mins to find this.
This proved me that
"We can do anything if we never give up."No Persuasive power
C for Crap
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Quote of the day
If I were a bird, I would be hopeless. I have a fear of heights.
Journal about Barcelona
I have been in Barcelona since New year by myself. Now Im back in Liverpool.
I love travelling round alone. I can daydream whole time and I see everything as much as I want.
1st January 2006
Woke up at 11am, feeling dizzy. I guess I had flu. It was great start.
Left home at 3 to John Lennon Liverpool airport.
left to Barcelona at 9pm. I was feeling really dizzy and had headache, but somehow I knew I would be okay when I got there.
so I arrived at barcelona airport, and took bus to Estacio Sants. (I was not so sure that I was on the right bus or not.)
got to a youth hostel at 11pm. and slept feeling really tired.
2rd January 2006
Woke up at 10:30am. I was feeling better so I followed my plan I had been making when I was in London.
First , went to Temple de la Sagrada Familia. I have been dreaming to see this for ages. Went up to the top. It was beautiful weather too. then I had to go down the spiral stairs. It was like this
I was soo scared. Im so scared of being high place. I was shaking whole time unable to see things. By the time I got on the ground, I felt alive.
then looked round the temple.
then I went to the main street called Las Ramblas. There were loads of street performers.
at the end of the street, I saw Monument a Colom (the tower of Columbus).
then saw beautiful sea. I stayed there for few hours
then walked back in to the street. went to the barcelona cathedral which was big, but not as big as liverpool cathedral. Then wandered around the main street.
I poped in to a random shop for dinner.
well, I tried to speak in Spanish when I order. I suck at spanish, Im gonna learn it for my third language.
I had snails (Escargo?). It was oily and tasty. When I thought that I used keep a snail as a pet in Japan when i was a kid, I felt a bit sick but it was nice. I liked it.
After dinner, I went to the hostel and slept at 11pm.
3rd January 2006
I was really looking forward this day because it was the day I was going to Dali Museum in Figueres, 2hours far from Estacio Sants by the train. Dali has been the most favourite artist for me since I was in primary school. I copied one of his work as a homework.
Well, I woke up at 7am, feeling much much better. and got on the train at 9:21am. I was studying Spanish til I got Figueres.
First I went to the museum of toys, it was really interesting too.
Then now, it was time to see what I have been dreaming about.
I was gobsmacked for few seconds. "Im finally here" I thought
then went in. It was more then I was expecting.
then I got on the train back to Estacio Sants at 7pm. got back at Hostel at 9pm.
I wasnt too tired, so I decided to pop in a local pub. I found a small local pub around the hostel. had a espanol beer. then I tried to speak to pepole works there in Spanish. hmm, I really wish I could speak in Spanish well. I defenately will study that. oh yeah it was true that "Spanish girls are hot."
anyway, third day in barcelona was finished.
4th January 2006
woke up at 9am.
went to Parc Guell. It was also Gaudi's Work. stayed there for a bit and enjoyed sun and atmospher.
then went to National Art Museum of Catalunya. It was enomous.
then went to Milo Museum.
It was time to go and see flamenco.
was great, actually. I would like to learn spanish guitar.
5th January 2006
woke up at 11am. still feeling a bit unwell.
went to see Casa Mila, one of other Gaudi's works
then Casa Batllo, the other Gaudi's works.
It was just amaging. Im sure that I will be quite a connoisseur.
then I went to 4 Gats(Cats), the famous cafe which piccaso and many artists used to go to. they put me at the edge of the room which was quite nice.
had wine, and paella. I didnt know how to eat a prawn so I had to leave it...
after lunch, I went to Piccaso Museum. I was also great. (everything was great in barcelona so I cannot describe it)
then I again went to see the tower of Columbus. I thought this was the place you would swear things for the adventures. so I wished "please no more going to a wrong airport or missing a plane."
at 9:50pm, I left bacelona. the plane was delayed as usual.
I guess it was the best trip by myself I ever had.
Now, I have to do loads of washing...
C for Crap
back to normal blog from tomorrow.