Tuesday, May 06, 2008

What happened 3-4 years ago


Someone shouted at my back when I was on the way home from the town centre in the dark.

"Oi you"

I did not recognize the voice
It might be someone trying pick a fight with me, I thought
Should I fight like a man? or Should I run away? My head was full of those ideas.

If I fight, I need to be quick, but what if he has a knife or weapons
Okay, need to punch his face straight away when I turn around.
and once he flinches I kick his nuts
I was creating all fighting strategy in my head.

Okay, I can do that, it will work.
So I turned around.

I saw a very tall guy with very grumpy looking on his face

"Oi, Seiji"

Then I realized, It was my brother.

1 comment:

Sam said...

And he's back!

Awesome dude.