Thursday, April 28, 2005

Odd thing.

Well, I was on the way to home from the work taking the train.

Then I found someone I know.

That was Mr Potter.

at least he looked like Harry Potter.

Then I was thinking me asking him "hm, excuse me, Are you... would you be, hm.... Mr Harry Potter?" even tho I kwew the answer.

He wouldve been embrraced.

I was grining alone.

how odd I am

C for Crap


Anonymous said...

Dont worry Seiji...i seem to be seeing Harry Potter characters everywhere of my lecturers reminds me of Professor Quirrel and i saw this person at uni who looked so much like Hagrid it was SCARY!!!!

Sam said...

That drawing looks like George.


Jakes said...

Q: should seiji update?

A: Yes

Anonymous said...

Seiji... its the 15th!!! Guess what you promised to do on the 15th...UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!!