Sunday, October 31, 2004

Look!! ITs Sushi USB Memory card Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 30, 2004

The World Council

The Chairman: Well come to the world council. We are here to talk about one subject. Well, this memorable first topic is "Coffee grinder"

Jonny the Dominant male: Yeah, i like it. I Really like it. I dont have to buy coffee powder any more.
Mathy the subdominant male: I agree that
John McClane from "Die Hard": Yea. They are supergroovy! I had had so much coffee when I was filming "Die hard 2"
Mathy the subdominant male:Yeah I agree that
Lucy the harsh lady: No, no no no. They are SOO bad. They are so noisy. sounds like very loud nosehair cutter.
Mathy the subdominant male:Yeah I agree that.
John McClane from"die Hard": That sound is supergroovy you know. I love it. particularly When I grind it.
Mathy the subdominant male: I agree that
Ninja the samurai:solly I dont understand.
Mathy the subdominant male: I agree that
Jonny the dominant male:But still we have to think about
Mathy the subdominant male: yeah I agree that
Lucy the harsh lady: they all look really ugly. I hate them
Mathy the subdominant male: Yeah I agree that
Gordon the Friend of Tomas the train: .........................
Mathy the subdominant male: I agree that
Ninja the samurai:solly I dont understand what is the kofey glander anyway?
Mathy the subdominant male: yeah I agree that

another one Posted by Hello

This is going to be someones first album pic Posted by Hello

Friday, October 29, 2004

One of my nickname, Onion

Ah I guess everyone wonders why my nick name is onion. NO? SHUT UP! Just say YES. then I can start talking about it very nicely.
When I was a 8 years old leetle boy I gave my mum my goggles because she was crying cutting onion. She said "How sweet... Seiji..." and She used it everytime she cuts onion.However 2 years later, My mum stoped using the goggles because it was too tight. I was so upset, and I hated onion so much since that happened. 7 years later, I came to New Zealand and Sam gave me this nickname just because Seiji sounds like "Sage and Onion" the flavor. I dont hate onion anyway.

Ah yeah we are from Japan Posted by Hello

Sam's Birth Day Party

Oh yes, It is 1:30 now. Im really sleepy but I have to finish eating "Low fat yoghurt, Vanilla & Hazelnut from Fresh'n Fruity" They are real nice.
Anyway, this party was quite fun. I enjoyed it. Dinner was so nice. I really enjoyed it.
OK. I was expecting that someone was going to get "American Idiot" for him. so I didnt. either did jacob. either did patrick. either did Everyone. we were afraid giving him SAME CD.
What happened on the beach today was quite sad. First Me, Cameron, Jacob were told off coz we smashed a beer bin which was on the beach.(We werent drinking, of course) How many times weve got told off in this year? Who knows. Anyway after that, Some stupid guys ,who I guess they are quite ugly and have no "girl friends", threw fireworks at us and hit Nicola and Rosana. It was good that they didnt get that bad injuary its couldbe been worse. If I could find them I would make thier eye sight( just left one) SOOO bad, so they have to put masseve ugly glasses on, or I would threw very hot boiled eggs at them... Anyway, revenging isnt my thing. All I care about is my friends. MY AWESOME FRIENDS...I think we should hang them up. Sorry for being horrible. I hope Nicola and Rosana are gonna get better soon.
Still This Party was SOO Fun!! I ate many chips and meats. They were so good dinner. And Im sorry that I forgot to get a beer, Sam. Good job to Paddy doing Poo joke. Poo jokes are awesome. And Nice works to Cameron, Sam W, Paul and me doing proffesional Synchronized swimming. We rules. Anyway I gtta go.

This is from Sams Birthday. That was so cool man. Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 28, 2004

My English skills

I have been working on my Uni application form. I found it Really hard especialy personal statement. My mum has been helping me up. She said that my grammer is quite bad. Yeah.. I know... I have been a slacker for 2 years. I havent done many essay writings. I think, Other Asian students even my friends in Japan are better than me. I SUCK. I think I need to study. But you know I can SPEAK in English better than oth.... ah maybe not. I dont know many cleaver words, like ambidextrous or bibliography. I dont even know what love means. Dont ask me. I SUCK. Anyways Today I found out really interesting fact. "They are not called feet fingers. they are called Toes"
C! I cant believe Ive been saying "feet fingers" for 2 years. See my english(engrish) skill? I have to "bring it on baby"... quote from "Purupuruhitu" tyler said it to Ramari.

48 days to leave New Zealand

Ahh not long. NOT long at all. I dont wanna leave!! but I want to go back to japan as well. So maybe we should make a new country like Jaw Pealand or something like that. Before I leave I have to skydive, bungy jump, and scuba dive coz Ive got a license. Im looking for someone wanna skydive with me!! oh yeah, and my parents are coming soon as well. they are gnna be here on same day as ESOL exam(English for Speakers of Other Languages) on. CRAP. Im not good at timing at all. My ESOL teacher gets annoyed with me lately. just because I dont have to get any credits. He thinks Im just distressing other students. He doesnt know my personality. Today he said to me "You just sit and smile" and finally "Seiji, if you are not really here, just dont come" WHAT THE HECK!! I was studying man. and I wasnt talking that much!! And when I talk Im just making this class more fun!! He has no sence of humour!! its true that I dont have to get any credits to gradiate this school BUT still I need some qualifications for uni. so Im doing my best! I just cant like him. AGRRRRRRRRRRRR........ Im not the hulk anyway.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Banana phone

Yeah man, Banana phone rules. Today I made a Banana phone.
Here, is information How to make a Gooood Banana phone.

  1. Go to New Market, not foodtown, and get green bananas; yellow ones sometimes doesnt work well.
  2. Have a nice spa with them.
  3. brush them until your toothbrush goes weird.
  4. talk to them everynight after your parents went sleep. There is no point feeling shame.
  5. fried Egg would be real nice for breackfast.
  6. Say "I was in 'Die Hard'" ten times, then Bananas go yellow coz its a lie.
  7. so this is time to freeze them. you do so.
  8. wait 1 hour
  9. wait 5 more hours
  10. wait 3 more hours
  11. wait until bananas become very hard
  12. now you can use bananas as a hammer.

How was it? you can nail with it cant you? THATS amaging!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Herro leetle boys and girls

Hi. This is the first post for this website. I know you are not enjoying this website. its really boring init? but! you can still comment!! please. I dont wanna do this alone. its just.... you know. So this website has to remain until my dying day. be4 and I leave NewZealand, we have to keep in touch. Im gnna write about some usual days in Japan or from England next year, hopefully. so you can put your story here. or your poem...Anything! If you hate cucumber, Just comment "I hate cucumber!" or something, right? anyways I have to go and finish eating my news paper.
see you rater elevator