Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Banana phone

Yeah man, Banana phone rules. Today I made a Banana phone.
Here, is information How to make a Gooood Banana phone.

  1. Go to New Market, not foodtown, and get green bananas; yellow ones sometimes doesnt work well.
  2. Have a nice spa with them.
  3. brush them until your toothbrush goes weird.
  4. talk to them everynight after your parents went sleep. There is no point feeling shame.
  5. fried Egg would be real nice for breackfast.
  6. Say "I was in 'Die Hard'" ten times, then Bananas go yellow coz its a lie.
  7. so this is time to freeze them. you do so.
  8. wait 1 hour
  9. wait 5 more hours
  10. wait 3 more hours
  11. wait until bananas become very hard
  12. now you can use bananas as a hammer.

How was it? you can nail with it cant you? THATS amaging!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have come 2 a very important conclusion seiji. Do u want to know what it is???? it is that secreatly lots of little alligators the size of a 5cent coin r running all over carpet everywhere!! i know. Exciting. in fact i want 2 join them. lots of times i want to join them. possibly 67 times but we will c. yes we will c. O seiji, i will go skydiving with u! it will be fun. Lol i bet ppl think im mad. I will tell u a story- Once upon there was a majical kingdom and it had a king and queeen and many happy civilians. But there was a really evil wizard who was piswsed off at the king. so he poisened the well from which everyone drank from and all the townspeople went crazy, 'maaaaad' and the king and queen didnt know what to do. they tried passing orders and ruling but the townspeople just thought they were mad. The king by this time was now getting very upset because his kingdom was running out of control and all his subjects thoughyt he was mad. He decided to flee the county. But his wife stopped him and said, let us go and drink from the well, we to then will be like them and we can rule again. So they did,and they all lived happily ever after. the moral of the story is that madness is not something defind by a certain charitristic but by what the bigger part of a population is like. eg- even if 80%of a commuinity runs round ripping of chickens heads 4 instance, because they r the majority, they are Normal. hmmmm chocolate mushrooms.....