Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Quote of the day
Don't talked to me when I'm pouring tea into the cup. It always overflows.

Great Scott!!

I love Back To The Future. They are my favourite movies. particulary a hoverboard.

Havent got time to write more. Im writing this with doing review for Marketing

C for Crap


Anonymous said...

The Back to the Future trilogy are some of my all time favourite movies. I too enjoy the scenes with the hoverboards.

I cant believe it was made 20 years ago. And in only 10 years we are supposed to all have flying cars that run on rubbish. Awesome.

SuperAsianOnion said...

was it made 20 years ago? cant blieve it. Its still new movie for me. never gonna be a classic movie.

Well, we never know whats gonna happen in 10years yet. Technology grows really fast.