Friday, December 02, 2005

Quote of the day
It is time to start preparing for April fool's day
(preparing for lies)

Finance exam is over=My life is over
it was over so many times this term

Which is the worse situation?

1, 'you are almost dead' or 'you are almost alive'

2, 'Someone shouting in a toilet' or 'A toilet shouting at someone'

3, 'Road of the Ring' or 'Lord of the Ling'

Ling- A freshwater fish (Molva molva) related to burbot

4, 'iPot' or 'lPod' (not I its L)

5, 'You look like a pig' or 'a pig looks like you'

6, 'A Fish and a Chip' or 'Fishes(raw) and Chips'

7, 'Cheese Bugger' or 'Chiken Bugger'

8, TV show 'Friend (only one friend)' or 'Friend's (not your friends)

9, 'Xbox 362(fake) or 'Praystation'

10, 'C' or 'Crap'

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