Quote of the day
excuse my big bum.
BUSY But christmas is coming!!
A bit more to go!
C for Crap
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Quote of the day
I might spend all my day for the washings
Here is the list what I would like to do on weekends
-Sleep as much as I can
-Eat as much as I can
-Daydream as much as I can
-be in the bed as much as I can
-read books as much as I can
-listen to the music as much as I can
-meditate as much as I can
Then Monday would be horrible for me.
C for Crap
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Quote of the day
Can I still be a japanese?
World Council
Chair: Well, well finally we are back. its been ah.....(counting fingers) long time since the last one.... Anyway todays topic is.........'mobile phone'
John Mclane:I love that. they are hard out
Marty the subdominant: I agr...... I DONT AGREE THAT ANYMORE!!!!
Everyone: What!!!!!???
Marty the exsubdominant: I am no subdominant. I rule the world.
Aragon: ... Dark power....
Hobbits: No! My villege!
Marty the Dark master: HAHAHAHAHAHA.
John Mclane: Crap
Hobbits: Crap
Aragon: Dark power is fading!
Marty the subdominant afterall: I agree taht
C for Crap
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Quote of the day
I feel really motivated now.
Thereve been many Fossils news these days.
I am passionatly interested in fossils.
They are interesting.
For example, dinosaurs.
I love them. and they are attractive because they dont exist anymore.
I love archaeology. It is just interesting because we dont know if it is true or not.
As technology develops, many archaeological evidence revealed but, still, it is only one of interpretaion.
If time machine were to invented, I would go back to past and see what the truth is.
as Someone said "Winner writes the history", I want to see what really happened to the past.
I am not sure if there are to be a country called Japan 1000 years later.
I am not sure if this earth exist the same 1000 years later.
I want to see how the world changes.
I sometimes think that I am dreaming. and when I wake up, its completely different world. I have a fear of losing what I have now, family, friends, myself... but what if it was so, Ive got a feeling that I would find them again.
If I were to become a fossils in the future, who will find me. and what they say?
I listen to Beautiful music, I see beautiful view. I feel calm, but somewhere lonly.
maybe coz it is raining. maybe coz I am a rabbit. I cant exist without others.
but there is time to stand by myself. and it is now.
I gtta go
C fora Cdrap
Friday, October 13, 2006
Quote of the day
Oh I wish I pick up £100000 somewhere.
I was talking to one of my japanese friends on the road.
I didnt know he was in England
We talked about Politics/Science/Maths as we used to do
Then I got home.
I heard someone shouting next door
It was a girl I knew
I wondered if she was okay
so I went next door
on the door there was a sign "PLease knock the door before you touch the door"
SO I knocked the door.
She came out crying.
I asked if she is okay, even tho I knew she wasnt okay
She said "Im okay"
So.. She WAS okay then
Then I got back to my room
and cooked full English Dinner
Then Someone came into my room without saying nothing.
He showed a knife. I was a bit scared.
But somehow I managed to get him down (I dont know how I did it)
Then I called the police, but I couldnt understand what police was saying.
Then I decided to take himn to the police.
He looked familiar to me..
But I couldnt remember
Then I heard my alarm ringing
C for Crap
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Quote of the day
I sprained my feed 6times today. I think Im getting better.
Today I had a long day which wasnt really
I am really tired. I can fall asleep NOW.
Well, to make myself awake I should do some mathmatics.
I woke up at 8 today
and took me 12 mins to get to school
and the key of my bicycle snapped.
So 8 x 12 / 2 = Good day
and I had breakfast, Lunch and Dinner all
So Im okay
so 3 x dinenr = enagy for tomorrow.
and its 9 o'clock and got home at 8pm
9-8 = 1
Therefore Gooday + 8pm + 1 + enagy for tomorrow
= Its raining tmorrow
Ah, I dont know what Im writing about.....
C for Crap
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Quote of the day
I dont get any comments. Well I know its hard to put comments on my blog. But it would be nice......
World Coucil is Canceled
BBC news reports Google is buying video-sharing website YouTube for $1.65bn (£883m) in shares after a weekend of speculation that a deal was in the offing.
Well, I wonder what the name is going to be
So I made some names for goole+youTube
1, GooTube its just too easy
2, youTuble dont know what to say
3, GoogleTube well... you know..
4, Crap
5, yougoogle you google something
6, GYT
7, Internet search engine with video-sharing website
8, iTube
9, YouTugole
10, Goooyoooouoooootoooooouoooooboooooeoooo
11, Oly Tougeg
12, Video
13, Google Video
14, G for Google
15, Y for YouTube
16, C for Crap
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Quote of the day
Oh Crap, Ive got cramp when I saw you
How to wake up
My phone alarm is broken now. Alarm doesnt seem to be working. so I will need some new way to wake me up.
1, use Clock alarm
2, CD player alarm
3, use Needle
4, boiled water
5, noise
6, someone shouting at my ear
7, ask someone to call me
I dont like to wake up in the morning anyway.
easy solusion
Use a CD Clock alarm which splash boiled water and needls making noise that sounds like someone shouting. and someone might call you to wake you up. (if its a girl, she fancys you)
You might get injured as well.
C for Crap
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Quote of the day
I couldve done ninja work you know
Imagnary Diary
Today I woke up at 8am.
and had second sleep til 11am
WEll then, I had full English breakfast and took a shower. After that I went down in the town. On the way there I saw busker singing "singing in the rain" in Spanish. It was amazing. so I gave him Clap. not Crap. Then did some window shoping. I spent £124 for window shopping. It was really good. at 4pm I decided to go home but I missed the last train. So I decided to stay in the town.
So, I took Taxi to home and arrived at 4:10.
It was fun day
Oh yeah, Now Im gonna watch the movie called "Ninja VS Alien"
C for Crap
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Quote of the day
Peter: You can fry you can fry!
something is wrong with;
AAA pirates
-Good Quality pirates
Extra large mini memory stick
DVD-R built-in Recorder
Conbination TV (CD player and TV)
Extra large Speakers
-require batteries
Thin Flat screen TV
safty hammer
-made of Tofu
British tea
-made in India
Instant Camera
-already exposed
extra light goggles
-small holes
I would like to to have a safty hammer please!
C for Crap
Quote of the day
Do you think its not my kind to speak about politics?
Disxxy movies.
It is quite risky using jokes of Walt disxxy Co. (copyrights and trademarks)
I bought PeterPan from Amazon
I dont quite remember the story.
I remember the green guy flying and a small shiny fly flying.
and non-violence pirates.
I decided to make realistic Disxxy Movies
Sleeping kinda beauty
-She is beautiful but not the best
Beauty and the Beast
-Rich Beautiful girl keeps a beast
-no flying carpet, but airplane
Lion King
-All subtitled Documentary
-requires 2 AA batteries
-too lazy to follow the rabbit
a bit snowwhite
-not too white.
Winny the Pooh
-survival with a tiger, bear, small pink creature, and a weird gray creature
I really wanna see Lion King then
C for Crap
Friday, October 06, 2006
Quote of the day
I found a monster today. but I forgot to take picture of it.
BBC reported 'Monster' fossil find in Arctic
Woa, so now there is/was a monster then
So this is a artwork of monster catching a dolphin...
Ohhh Poor Dolphin....
Teeth on the tail!!
THat was first time seeing dolphin with teeth on the tail
C for Crap
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Quote of the day
Finally Im back!
Well, I am not sure if this blog is still alive or not, if anyone still read this blog or not.
But I am blogging today. in midnight Again
So, I am making a list what Ive done these days.
-Stopped Drinking
-Started training everynight
-trying not to eat junk food
-started second year
-went back to Japan for holiday
-went home only for 4 days
-then did an internship in Tokyo
-back to liverpool
-they say I now have a bit of liverpool accent which I dont like to have.
-went edinbugh for my birthday
-bitten by spider again (last time was in New Zealand 2 years ago i remember)
-I was a bit New Zealand sick as I was watching some Video I took.
Woa Ive done quite few!
I think Im gonna be a hippie after uni
oh well Im getting really sleepy now you knowdlgkao
C for Crap
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Quote of the day
Well, Im working/blogging
Im working but have done all my jobs so Im bored.
its been 3-4 weeks? since I came back to Japan.
hm, Well
....... I havent gone home yet!!!!!!!
anyway, I am enjoying Japan except weather.
its horrible. its sooo muggy.
The sweat pours off although I am only standing outside.
everyone looks soo muggy. specially in crowded trains.
Therefore you should come to Japan in summer.wrong conclusion
C for Crap
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Quote of the dayWhat time is it?(in many country)
A conversation on MSN
Seiji: hello
K: sup
Seiji: How r u
K: good good
K: you?
Seiji: Goodd thanks
K: good
Seiji: Ah..
K: What?
Seiji: Hm,,
K: ah, yeah
Seiji: haha
K: ha
Seiji: h
K: a
Seiji: b
K: c
Seiji: d
K: e
Seiji: ...
K: hm
Seiji: ..
K: yeah?
Seiji: yeah
K: Ye
K: ah
Seiji: ah
K: 1
Seiji: 2
K: 3
Seiji: 4
Seiji: 5
K: 5
K: ...
Seiji: ...
K: okay bye
Seiji: bye
... Im not bored
C for Crap
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Quote of the day
Japan is cool (its rather hot tho)
Ah finally Im back in Japan.
Food is so nice
People is okay
weather is so hot
grr Im sleepy now
I dont think I can update tonioght
Im sooo sleepy aipoghas
(I think i posted the same thing)
C for Crap
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Quote of the day
Why do I always get sick before I go back to Japan
Going abroad
I was talking to my friend on MSN,
She said she is going to hawaii
BY WHALEs hmmmm, yummy
She also said it costs only 100 fish (=194pencil or 37300stone)
they also accepts credit card.
Well, I know it sounds wierd, but I always trust her
It must be true.
Who knows. in fact there are whale riders.
I believe her.
So why dont we all get on the Whales when we go overseas!
I have to sayI dont eat whales C for Crap
Quote of the day
I shouldnt but I cant help it
Finally, I finally moved into a new house. This is first time getting depressed that i have more stuffs than others
Romantic Good bye
I went to train station to see my friend off.
there was a couple.
boyfriend was leaving to london, girlfriend was crying.
they were kissing and crying
it was dramatic
and now it was time to leave
.............!!!!!!What the hell is this drawing
Door closed before he got in!!!
Saw thier expression... I felt sorry for them, but I couldnt help smirking. I know its not funny but it was....
he quietly said
'my stuff is in the train..'Unluckly, they letted him in.
they both looked embrssed.
Oh well
I give them 5 Cs Craps
C for Crap
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Quote of the past 2 mounths.
Ah, I have to update blog.
Well, Finally, Im back. Not sure if people still read this. Ah who cares.
Im goin back to Japan lost the game against Assiein 2 weeks. Wooohoooo.
this 2 months have beeen really stressful and many things happened
1, My Mac got broken
2, Guitar got snapped
3, got hay fever
4, 3 essays in 2 weeks without proper sleep
5, Watched Da Vinchi Code premire
6, Watched M.I.3
7, Watched Xmen 3
and so
and now, I have to get ready to go back to Japan + move into a new flat (where im staying at at the mo is CCCCC)
New Sport Game
Footket (Criket + football)
-knock opponents down with criket bat.
Ice Judo
-fighting on the ice
Swoxing (swimming + boxing)
-boxing in water
Rugnis (Rugby + Tennis)
-tackle them to get a ball!
Grass Hockey
-so hard to find a ball
Golfketball (Golf + basktball)
-3 vs 3 trying to put a golf ball in the hall
Chesswimming (Chess +swimmin)
-playing chess while someone is swimming
Death Metal (Death + metal)
-shake your head
Rockn Roll (Rock + Roll)
Flower arrangement
Go Japan!!What am I writing about?
C for Crap
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Quote of the day
I got hair cut. but no one notice that.
I apologise that I didnt achieve what I said.
Indiana Jones
I finally saw this movies.
I never thought this one was this Crap good
I can say this is as good as Die hard.
I really love it.
I would like to have DVD box
I would like to see Indiana Jones 4 (coming on in 2007 summer)
I really want his whip. its so useful
THis is my Action movie Top ten
1, Indiana Jones 3
2, Die Hard 1
3, Die Hard 2
4, Indiana Jones 1
5, Die Hard 3
6, Indiana Jones 2
7, Indiana Jones 4
8, Die hard 4.0
9, Rocky 1-7 (never seen any of them. are they any good?)
10, Rumbo 1-4 (never seen any of them. are they any good?)
C for Crap
Monday, April 03, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Quote of the day
Is it true or you just bullying me?
Road of the Lings
A $25m (£14m) stage musical version of The Lord of the Rings has failed to impress theatre critics after its premiere in Toronto, Canada. (BBC news)
Well, No doubt they failed. it was 4 hours long.
but above all
and How can people kill creature with singing!!!
I know the world is changing.
but how can Aragorn kill monsters with singing "hallelujah"
I mean can Gollum sing anyway? oh yes?
my precious by Gollum
rock'n roll guiatr cheesy solo
my precious yeah my precious
gi gi gig gi give me that back
my precious
What? its not fake? its real one?
Master stole it? shut up, you fat hobbit
my precious yeah my precious.....
See why they failed?
C for Crap
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Quote of the day
Ive just realiszed that The headding of this website is "The Boringest WEBWITE ever"
Cant be bother to correct that.
Well, What am I doing at 3am.
I am talking to my friends in NZ. Yeah!
Actually I need to sleep. i know I have to. well but...
I dont feel like it.
I more feel like mushed potatos.
feel like that I am mushed potatos.
YOu know
Im mushed and mixed with butter.
Love it.
(Woa, How Crap is this post?)
C for Crap
Monday, March 20, 2006
Quote of the day
Yes, I know... I smell like garlic today...
The Fugitive
I love 'The fugitive'.
I think its one of the best movies.
Why? because, its just impossible!! Is there any possibility of the survival from jumping off from huge falls? Lets not say "OH well, its only a movie" I would die from the very first scene (attacked by murderer). if not, I would die from the car crash.
The Fugitive (Seiji ver.)
Seiji the japanese Doctor:Hello?
No one answers
Seiji:Honey? Where are you?
slips on a wet floor
hits his head against the wall.
The end
Therefore, be careful with wet floor!(wrong conclusion)
C for Crap
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Quote of the day
I can talk in my sleep!
Imaginary Diary
19 March 2006
Today, I woke at 7am and had breakfast. I was feeling a bit rough (not hangonver). so I drunk much water. anyway, i went down to the city center and bought some games. board games. I played monapoly by myself. it was really fun. I Won! then I play pictionary by myself. i won! It was easy!! YEah.
After that I went to the gym. and did some training. first I trained left arm. Oh C, i forgot to train right arm.
anyway, it was really good training. then i went home with tap dancing. when I got home I saw someone wa knocking on my door. I said
he(she?) said "can I use your toilet please"
so I let him(her?) in.
then I realised that I only got 6months and 4days to my birthday. damn, Im not ready to be 20 yet. I have to something. so I slept
I was dreaming about Rolling Stones rolling stones, eating pink samon. oh well, what a day.
C for Crap
Monday, March 13, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Quote of the day
Had meeting at 11:30pm.
The show Im organizing is coming soon!!
Russ, visiting LIPA from Uarts in Philly in U.S.(I dont quite know where that is...) will be staying at my flat for a week. I am a "HOST DAD".... well, no.
anyway, he is such a cool guitarist. i have to learn many things from him. I will be (have already
been) quite busy.
but I will keep blogging. Honestly I passionately love blogging.
Now, Im really sleepy. Its 1:30am.
grrr. I feel like fried eggs and baked beans on toast.
hmm,Im hungry.
Ah, cant be bothered to cook, Im not gonna eat anyway.
C for Crap
Monday, March 06, 2006
Quote of the day
A guy: Seiji, Can I borrow your headphone?
I said "sure" and gave him a pen, and a mobile phone somehow.
Oscar 2006
"Crash" has won the best picture.
I saw it on the airplane. It made me think and also depressed too.
But I have to say, it was a great movie.
I feel like talking about pasta.
Pasta is nice. I had pasta for dinner today. and I still have heaps of pasta at home. It's easy to cook and nice.
I love it, but I think I can live without pasta.
oh yeah, I also like mashed potatos. hmmmmmmm. nice. and yes, breaded mushroom.
They are great as. I can live without them tho.
Of course I love rice too. (Im Japanese!)
Im not sure I can live without rice... I thnk I can tho.
Well, What I want to say is
C for Crap Congratulations! to "Crash"
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Quote of the day
Hi, Im not Johnny Cash
Woa Im managed to blog again. cool.
Junk mails
I recieve so many junk mail these days. and somehow most of them are saying "Congratulations, you won Dell computer......", "Starbucks infomation" (I dont go to Starbucks..) and "aillsuga;igas;iasngias" (I cant even read it)
I wish I could stop them sending stupid junks
At least not to feel depressed about getting junks, Ive got some ideas
- Print all of them out, and burn them
- make new folder 'Junks' and save as much as you can, and delete it all on the same time
- make your own rule (e.g. 3 junks=good day 4 junks=perfect day 5 junks=a girl you like will tell you that she likes you too.)
- You wont get many email from your "friends" anyway. Junks are your friends
- Think its not real
- you are not real
- am I?
- who am I then?
- What am i doing here?
- You are in control
- Someone is watching you now
- you can not hide
- either run away
- then fight
- fight for freedom!
- Follow me!
- Today, we will win our freedom!
- YEaaaahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa

C for Crap
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Quote of the day
you've got a really artistic face.
Finally I have time to update!! woohooo. I think i have to start blogging everyday again.
April Fools Day
A.F.D is coming in a month.
not to feel "damn I havent prepared for that" anymore, I made some lies you could use.
- Its not April fools day
- I dont feel like lying
- I used to hate carrot
- My favorite colour is green
- I sometimes get annoyed with a sound of clock clicking
- I love Die Hard
- Cant wait to see Die Hard 4.0
- Cant wait to see Rocky 7
- Cant wait to see Rumbo
- Im from Japan
- Rockn Roll is all about sex and drugs
- My dad is Punk
- I went to the toilet 10mins ago
C for Crap
its been such a long time since I typed C for Crap
Friday, February 17, 2006
Quote of the day
Ive been having caughing problem since last saturday. Thats why I didn't reply to you.A lame excuse
Ive got a Student Independent Week (Reading Week) next week. I will reply to you.
Sorry for being really late
The best website ever >Thanks Jonathan Deamer
THis is the best website ever
Sorry for only putting a link.
I will start posting again as soon as I have time.who cares....
C for Crap
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Quote of the day
Sorry for being late, Im still feelin jet lag
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest trailer is out now. Woa! that looks great. I have to see this rather than Die hard 4.0. Go John McClane!
and also Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is coming out in 2007. Woa that looks great. I have to see this rather than Rocky 7 (6?) whateverand also Rambo 4?5? is coming out too. I really have to see this
I think i should stop talking about Die Hard-ish action movies
C for Crap
I was feeling really le tired
but also I was feeling relaxed.
I went in bed
and I tried to lie down
It was a quite quick move I made
then I hit my head on the wall really hard
Quote of the day
Damn, Im fully awake now...
I hate cucumber (actually all kind of cucumber-ish food) as some people already know.
well, I am going to talk about the reason why I passionately HATE a cucumber.
Back in 1990-1991 I was 4 or 5. I was in a kindergarten. I was quite tall (for that age) and healthy. The kindergarten had a farm which we used to grow vegetables. me and my friends used to go and steel them and eat.
Well, I remember that the principal of the kindergarten used to get angry with us.
Oh yeah, She hated green pepper. We used to sing "Mrs Tokuko (the principal) hates Green pepper!". Good memory. Oh yeah, and we also had a duck. he died just after I left the kindergarten. Lots of memories.
It was quite sad when I found out that the kidergaten was gone.
I found out when i got back to japan at the end of last year.
Time goes really quickly
I feel behind sometimes
I still feel like I am 5 sometimes
Time goes on
Even now, it is already 2am...
What was I talking about anyway?
C for Crap
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Quote of the day
I managed to get some sleep on the way home. (nearly had an accident)
My special skill
-Walking with sleeping
Computer granddad (Thanks to Mark White)
Well, After the gobsmacking discovery, I made new song called
LapTop Grandad by Seiji Nakano inspired by Mark White
Hiphoppy sound
Lap Top Lap Top Lap Top Grandad
Yo my grandad is a Lapper and a rapper loving frank zappa
He is like Windows, he cannot win dudes.
and he is a lapper and a rapper loving frank zappa
cheesy guitar solo
conga colo
he's got a wireless connection yo
he's got a highest quality yo
but he only loves computer grandma
only loves computer gradma
He is not in control.
He is the one controling her
my grandad is a lapper(lap top) and rapper, loving frank zappa
Cheesy guitar solo
smashing all equips
black out
-The End-Im sorry
C for Crap
Quote of the day
Thank you so much for sympathising with me reading my blog
Imaginary diary
Thursday 26 January 2006
Well, I have to say it was a great day. First I woke up at 7:17am. then ate breakfast, watching sky news. The guy was still swimming to England from Japan. Anyway, left home at 7:27am. arrived at school at 7:37. Then we had two lectures which were "How to cheer up grumpy taxi drivers" and "What is Rock'n Roll? by William Shakespeare". After lectures we went to train station to find taxi (Obviously we were trying to cheer up taxi drivers). I did work a bit, but we need more practise. then it started raining. We were quite depressed. everyone went home. I was alone. Then some wierd guy came to me and said, "Hello, You look sad. Would you like to have this lollipop?" I was feeling uncomfi with that guy. I was thinking that he could poison me or something. After while, I said "Oh go for it." So i had it. then... then... nothing happened except I had bad stomachache. He was just a nice guy. He also said "even if you having a bad day, say it is a great day. then you feel better" Then I went home. and slept at 6:16pm.
and now, it is 1am writing this, thinking "Why the hell am I writing this C instead of sleeping.." I really should sleep. honestly, ive got lecture at 9:30 tomorrow.
C for Crap
Monday, January 23, 2006
Hi, could you please go away?
I find quite hard to update on these days.
Im trying hard.
Computer grandma
There is a song called Computer grandmother in japan.
THis is such a wierd song, but I used sing it at school whole day.
it goes like this
(translated to English by Seiji)
Computer Grandma
Computer Grandma
Everyday shes doing same thing.
Computer grandma
Computer grandma......
She is in control!
Someone was giving us a message, asking for a help
Damn, why didnt I realise that. I couldve helped her. I was singing that song for fun. I am a horrible person.
We must be in control as well.
Now it is time to say
C for Crap
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Quote of the day
You have 4 new messages.
1. ......? 2. ...... 3. ........ 4. ...........ah...
press 3 to Delete
well it wasnt a quote at all. I must have menta.. some kinda problem.
Jamie, my friend who is the drummer of my band, painted a "Dada" picture for my christmas present which is this
Thank you so so so much for this. I love this particularly C=Crap part.
New TV show
After the awful TV show "Who wanted to be a millionaire" I am about to make new TV program.
This astnishing, and brilliant TV show is
- This is a reality show about the audition for Hexing.
- keyword "Ive got a "hexfactor"" with making H with your arms.
- They all look phony.
- They all look skinny.
- Thier voice are all thin.
- Winner gets a new crystal ball (£20)
Im sure I am the first person who thought about this.

What the...?


Between you and me, there is no differences.
I think about what you think about.
People are all same. I am against War.
Give Peice a chance
C for Crap
Quote of the day
I am Seiji Nakano the c tap-dancer
apologise for not updating lately. Ive been too lazy busy.
Motivation can be easily affected by circumstance you are in. For instance, I like to be in busy life whole time because if I have a day-off, I become really lazy and do nothing and stay in the bed whole day. On the other hand, I am motivated when I am busy.
However, even though some people, like me, dont have enough time to chill out, they still try to make it busier. just "killing" themselves. and this is why these kind of people always look le tired.
and this is why I fell asleep after dinner, leaving all HW unfinished.a LAME excuse
Now I am fully awake and doing some HW/revising in mid-night.
C for Crap
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Quote of the day
I think I know what you mean...... sorry what did you say?
What scientists should be
resourse from BBS news."Why does the old stereotypical image of scientists persist?"
Well, This is what I think scientists are like.
- "Afro" Hair- because of the image of explosion
- Big eyes- coz they are simbol of psyco.
- a pair of glasses- coz they read many books and their eyesight get worse.
- dark rings under eyes- coz they dont sleep much
- tightened mouth- not to swallow poison.
Great Scoot!
(Unexpected ending)
C for Crap
Monday, January 09, 2006
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Quote of the day
I woke up at 5:30.........pm
When I was walking down the stairs in Sagrada Familia, I found them
Great. I was really angry. Why these kinda people dont understand how stupid thing it is.
One of them were "Tom Loves Jessica 2003"
What if, they broke up and Tom comes here with other girlfrie.... Ah there are so many Toms anyway.
Never mind
There were many words engraved on the wall at Sagrada Familia.
like this
What the.....
Took me 30mins to find this.
This proved me that
"We can do anything if we never give up."No Persuasive power
C for Crap
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Quote of the day
If I were a bird, I would be hopeless. I have a fear of heights.
Journal about Barcelona
I have been in Barcelona since New year by myself. Now Im back in Liverpool.
I love travelling round alone. I can daydream whole time and I see everything as much as I want.
1st January 2006
Woke up at 11am, feeling dizzy. I guess I had flu. It was great start.
Left home at 3 to John Lennon Liverpool airport.
left to Barcelona at 9pm. I was feeling really dizzy and had headache, but somehow I knew I would be okay when I got there.
so I arrived at barcelona airport, and took bus to Estacio Sants. (I was not so sure that I was on the right bus or not.)
got to a youth hostel at 11pm. and slept feeling really tired.
2rd January 2006
Woke up at 10:30am. I was feeling better so I followed my plan I had been making when I was in London.
First , went to Temple de la Sagrada Familia. I have been dreaming to see this for ages. Went up to the top. It was beautiful weather too. then I had to go down the spiral stairs. It was like this
I was soo scared. Im so scared of being high place. I was shaking whole time unable to see things. By the time I got on the ground, I felt alive.
then looked round the temple.
then I went to the main street called Las Ramblas. There were loads of street performers.
at the end of the street, I saw Monument a Colom (the tower of Columbus).
then saw beautiful sea. I stayed there for few hours
then walked back in to the street. went to the barcelona cathedral which was big, but not as big as liverpool cathedral. Then wandered around the main street.
I poped in to a random shop for dinner.
well, I tried to speak in Spanish when I order. I suck at spanish, Im gonna learn it for my third language.
I had snails (Escargo?). It was oily and tasty. When I thought that I used keep a snail as a pet in Japan when i was a kid, I felt a bit sick but it was nice. I liked it.
After dinner, I went to the hostel and slept at 11pm.
3rd January 2006
I was really looking forward this day because it was the day I was going to Dali Museum in Figueres, 2hours far from Estacio Sants by the train. Dali has been the most favourite artist for me since I was in primary school. I copied one of his work as a homework.
Well, I woke up at 7am, feeling much much better. and got on the train at 9:21am. I was studying Spanish til I got Figueres.
First I went to the museum of toys, it was really interesting too.
Then now, it was time to see what I have been dreaming about.
I was gobsmacked for few seconds. "Im finally here" I thought
then went in. It was more then I was expecting.
then I got on the train back to Estacio Sants at 7pm. got back at Hostel at 9pm.
I wasnt too tired, so I decided to pop in a local pub. I found a small local pub around the hostel. had a espanol beer. then I tried to speak to pepole works there in Spanish. hmm, I really wish I could speak in Spanish well. I defenately will study that. oh yeah it was true that "Spanish girls are hot."
anyway, third day in barcelona was finished.
4th January 2006
woke up at 9am.
went to Parc Guell. It was also Gaudi's Work. stayed there for a bit and enjoyed sun and atmospher.
then went to National Art Museum of Catalunya. It was enomous.
then went to Milo Museum.
It was time to go and see flamenco.
was great, actually. I would like to learn spanish guitar.
5th January 2006
woke up at 11am. still feeling a bit unwell.
went to see Casa Mila, one of other Gaudi's works
then Casa Batllo, the other Gaudi's works.
It was just amaging. Im sure that I will be quite a connoisseur.
then I went to 4 Gats(Cats), the famous cafe which piccaso and many artists used to go to. they put me at the edge of the room which was quite nice.
had wine, and paella. I didnt know how to eat a prawn so I had to leave it...
after lunch, I went to Piccaso Museum. I was also great. (everything was great in barcelona so I cannot describe it)
then I again went to see the tower of Columbus. I thought this was the place you would swear things for the adventures. so I wished "please no more going to a wrong airport or missing a plane."
at 9:50pm, I left bacelona. the plane was delayed as usual.
I guess it was the best trip by myself I ever had.
Now, I have to do loads of washing...
C for Crap
back to normal blog from tomorrow.