Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Quote of the day
I dont get any comments. Well I know its hard to put comments on my blog. But it would be nice......

World Coucil is Canceled



BBC news reports Google is buying video-sharing website YouTube for $1.65bn (£883m) in shares after a weekend of speculation that a deal was in the offing.

Well, I wonder what the name is going to be

So I made some names for goole+youTube

1, GooTube its just too easy
2, youTuble dont know what to say
3, GoogleTube well... you know..
4, Crap
5, yougoogle you google something
6, GYT
7, Internet search engine with video-sharing website
8, iTube
9, YouTugole
10, Goooyoooouoooootoooooouoooooboooooeoooo
11, Oly Tougeg
12, Video
13, Google Video
14, G for Google
15, Y for YouTube
16, C for Crap

1 comment:

Sam said...

I love you Seiji!

Your blog has been the boon of my life.