Tuesday, November 23, 2004


well, I had diahorea. again. That was so hard for me. Ive done "8 weeks excise book" in 2 days. I wasnt good enaugh. So Here is the list what Ive done during the exam.

  1. Smiled at supervisor three times
  2. Sneezed 5 or more times
  3. thought about dinner once
  4. thought about talking to friends on MSN after exam once
  5. made "C"(crap) sign 5 times
  6. tried to see others anwer with my mind eyes
  7. cracked up for no reason once
  8. blew my nose 4 times
  9. said thank you to supervisor three times
  10. thought about what Im gonna do when I get back to japan

Thats all.

Oh yeah, Ive just found out that "Estpac" is actually "Westpac"

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