Saturday, November 13, 2004

Happy things

Ive been putting unhappy things here lately, so I would like put happy things here.

-My parents are coming soon.
-"The office" christmas series came out.
-Didnt put much weight from 2 years ago, but getting taller.
-bought a new teeth brush and paste
-booked all things for parents fainally
-recover from snorty nose(got soar throat tho)
-started reading "power of one"
-waking up at least after 8 am.
-no more school.(its sad but i didnt like waking up early morning)
bla bla bla

writing this, i feel better. I think writing things like "Exams suck", makes me feel worse. I should keep writing happy things then.

I found a dead spider under my bed.

I feel really nice now.



Anonymous said...

Ola Seiji, you make me laugh.
I will always consider you a friend. Please keep in contact. Best of luck for the exams, get studying,

SuperAsianOnion said...

DVD nite. Thats really good idea!! We have to have "The office" nite coz Ive already got DVDs. and "Lord of The Rings extended ver." Nite. So LOTR nite would be 4hours times 3 plus an extra hour....nearly 13 hours. Cool. its not gonna be "night" anymore. Oh and "Back to the future", "matrix" "Mr been", "Fawlty Tower" nites coz i ve got DVDs. hehe. That would be so cool.

hmm, I wonder who is "Ms...." teacher?

SuperAsianOnion said...

woa so many comments here. I think because i put happy things! yea! Spiders are cool. one bit me.