Quote of the day
I've got a feeling that I might start year 2006 with doing WASHING.
A journal about London
28/12 Wed
Woke up at 8am in Liverpool.
slept again.
Woke up at 9am
Tried to sleep again and realised that I have to leave in 30mins.
So I left at 9:30 to Liverpool Lime street station.
Got on the train at 10:15.
around 11am, the guard said that the train had some system problem so we had to change the train. Ah, I never had smooth trip.
Anyway, got to Harriets at around 3pm
I tried some hourseradish(?) and chickenliver(?) on a toast.
I liked them.
then we(Harriet, Fi(her best friend) and I) went to Tim(Harriets friend)s Birthday Party. It was fun seeing loads of ppl I dont know.
29th Dec Thurs
Woke up at 12pm. We had proper English Breakfast which were bacon and eggs with mushrooms, baked beans, fried tomatos, scrambled eggs with sunflower seeds, and toasts. That was really really great!! I learnt how to make scrambled eggs.
then we took Diggy and Mac (harriets dogs) for a walk.
I was freezing cold! all puddles were frozen. I was fun cracking them.
It was such a nice walk.
then watched a DVD. We saw, ah I forgot the name of that film. Ah yeah, I remebered
It was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975). It was sad, and made me think.
then had dinner which was risotto. It was really nice. Thank you, harriets mum.
30th Dec Friday
Woke up at 10:30. and left to the train station.
Harriet showed me round London. It was really fun. I really enjoyed it, except rain.
We went to Cabaret Mechanical Theatre. There were many Crazy mechanical machines.
Then, went to Camder garden.
had lunch then got lost for a bit.
Now it was time to leave.
I was standing at the Euston Station
I made sure that Im at the right station, and checked time again.
I got on the right train.
I was reading a book "the curious incident of the dog in the night time"
at around 7pm, 40mins to Liverpool station, a group of drunk guys got on. Great, I thought.
Oh well, after all I made it.
by the time I got home, I was feeling really cold, headache.
and went bed.
Now I realise that it is 11:22pm. Crap. I really might finish this year with BLOGGING and WASHING.
C for Count down Crap
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Quote of the day
God Jul! (Merry Christmas) Takk for everything to Didrik and his family/friends
A Journal about Norway
On 23rd Dec I left to Oslo(Torp) Airport from John Lennon Liverpool Airport.
at 5pm I arrived at Oslo (torp) airport.
Now I had to take a bus to Oslo S which is a train station.
I got on the bus. I asked a guy sitting next to me to make sure that I am on the right bus. Fortunately I was on the right bus. and we had a chat. He was from Denmark.
He said that he had had never seen such a small airport like Oslo (Torp) airport.
1 and half hour later I arrived at Oslo S. Kindly, he showed me which way to go and how to buy a train ticket. I thanked him and got on a train to Halden. was on the train for nearly 1.5 hours
When i arrived at Halden, Didrik, my friend from LIPA, was waiting for me. then we went to a chirstmas concert at a church. Didrik's dad was singing in a choir. then went back home and had a late dinner
First day in Norway finished
24th Dec
In Norway, they celebrate Christmas on The Christmas eve.
Woke up at 12pm.
Didrik took me to a petrol station coz I forgot a toothbrush.
on the way back he took me to the huge fortress. I forgot to take a camera even tho I am a japanese then we had porridge which was a game that the person who found the almond in the porridge wins.
then went to another christmas concert at another church. Didrik and his whole family was playing in the brass band. It was great. then got back home and had dinner.
It was great. then we opened loads of presents. Thanks for the travelling kit and CD!!!
25th Dec
Went to another church. (that means i went to 3 churchs in Norway in 3days) what a record.
anyway, Didrik took me to the fortress again, this time with the camera
A lake was frozen. so we could walk on it
then after dinner, we went to his friend's house and played board games, and watched DVD.
26 Dec
Woke up at 8am, and left house at 9am coz we wanted go to rock climbing.
We arrived there at around 10 and waited til its open.
now we realised that It was closed on 26 dec. so we changed a plan, and decided to go to Sweden which was 30mins far from there.
then got back to the halden station after norwegian pizza.
at 3 I said Good-bye and got on the train.
I saw such beautiful sunset
When I arrived at Oslo S, I was in really good mood.
I got on the bus.
When airport appeared front of me, the guy, I met on the first day in Norway, 's word echoed in my head.
"Okay... Its not a small airport, rather huge...
but It is Oslo airport... I made sure that I was on the right bus so many times..." I thougt.
so I asked an information lady.
"excuse me, it is Oslo airport isnt it? where can I check in?"
and I showed flight info paper.
lady: Okay, you have to go to Torp airport. not here. it is 100km away from here.
Oslo (Torp)
Oslo (Torp)
Oslo (Torp)
Oslo (Torp)!!!!!!
Crap, I thought.
I had to go back to Oslo S to get the right bus.
I was half giving up, laughing so hard in my head.
"If I miss a plane again, Im such a joke" I thought
well, I made it after all. that was really close tho.
What I learnt from this trip is to be organised. at least, know exactly how to get to the RIGHT airport.
C for Crap
Friday, December 23, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Quote of the day
Ah, What time is it HERE? I dont even know where I am.
Back in liverpool
I am back in Liverpool now. Woa that was sooo short. it was only 10 9 days. This time I wasnt stuck in Amsterdam. Good.
Well, Its sooo quiet in Liverpool.
This is the main reason I got a bit depressed when I got back. It was dark and quiet.
Oh well, Im leaving liverpool tomorrow, so its okay.
no stupid writing today
its 5am in the morninig.
C for Crap
Monday, December 12, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
Quote of the day
Oh, I just remembered, that Im goin back to japan.
I am going back to Japan only for 10days
Liverpool City
I was walking down to the City
A ramdon guy talked me,
A Guy: Hello, where are you from?
Me: Eh, Im from Japan
then he just walked away.
I thought whats wrong with him.
Anyway, I went to Book shop to get new calender.
There were soo many, so I coulnd decide. well, at the end I bought somekinda spanish calender.
well then, I went to food shopping. I was lookin for Mushroom (not drug), but I couldnt find. anyway, I bought some pasta and microwave pizza.
When i was walking back to home, the guy who talked to me 30mins ago approached me.
A Guy: Oi, do you have money?
Me: No. Ive just spent them all
A guy: Crap
He obvously was trying to rob money.
I was sooo angry. I kicked his nuts really really really hard, and ran away.
By the time I got home....... I woke up.
C for Crap
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Quote of the day
They were playing Bon Jovi at Lennon's bar.
Something is wrong
Finished Essay, passed finance. Now I am free to enjoy holiday!
World Council
Chair: Welcome back to World Council. This time we are going to talk about "Jackie Chan"
John McClane the dominant male: Im sure I am stronger than him
Marty the subdominant male: I agree that
Jess the harsh lady: oh really? you both are C, Im sure.
Marty the subdominant male: I agree that
John McClane the dominant male: How can you say that? I never died in the movies.
Jess the harsh lady: Oh yeah? what about the one about stupid ghost boy? YOU WERE DEAD IN THE WHOLE MOVIE!!
Marty the subdominant male: yeah i agree that.
Sauron the dark lord: Actually I am the strongest only if I have a ring.
Marty the subdominant male: yeah I agree that
Sith the other dark lord: Shut up
Darth Vater the father: Luke, I found out that Im not actually your father.
Luke the C jedi: may force be with you, may force be with you, dude.
Jackie Chan: You wanna fight?
All: NO
John McClane the dominant male: you wanna vote who is the strongest then?
Marty the subdominant male: I dont agree with you any mo.... sorry. I agree that
hellboy 1
hulk 1
John McClane -12
Jackie Chan 102
Dark lords 12
Santa 11
Jimi hendrix 1301
Samurai 123
Nuclear weapon 129214
Give Peace a chance!
I want you to make love, not war, I know you've heard it before
by John McClane Lennon died on 8 December 1980
C for Chance
(un expected serious ending)
C for Crap
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Quote of the day
If I havent slept for ages I find everything funny Im not on drug or sometihng
I was writing an essay from 12am to 11am.
Oh crap im harlf a sleepp now.
i wonreder iff you can understande thisa.
oh well, I feel like writeo what I feel now
I feel like feaeuaioeugtag
asighjioahgklasds8ig;awg\[ a ugfijdhpifgy hajldk gfjlasdio hguogu qw;jkk gia
fakhgliashghlighkgh a.kgua; g lk;hfguiahghal hjkl ha;opyg p'ay guerp
qrwroigask jfjaio dhpiaerg sasligoioi dgalier
aououerhg a[gheeiiaee hoohagg hiopawwio hghiogioau aligr hporhja
aggogy oighwawoihga ohg aug oiijjgoh ajiajgg j;aigr ih g;ioa oirhg a;l grouuih; gaio ai;ggl
%%%%%% o0-a-e dog0e-=Crap
Oigag 0-4=je93i3-gior0-r-=Crap
fogfhaklghioasjlkshg0r-rgi rajhoirp=-0prghrariogj-= fajoijgrr-= Crap
C for Crap
Monday, December 05, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Quote of the day
Good morning (15:30)
Rocky 6
Sylvester Stallone has begun filming the sixth Rocky movie
- 15 years after he last played the hero boxer.
Cool, i have nothing to say about that.
Rambo IV
Vietnam vet John Rambo is forced to emerge from his reclusive lifestyle and take justice into his own hands after a girl goes missing
Oh Crap. My favourite movies!
BUT you know what?
I like Steven Seagal more than Mr Stallone.
BECAUSE Steven Seagal the aikido master is always too strong. (never been in a pinch)
C for Crap
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Quote of the day
you know a TV program called 24 (hours)? Can't you just call it 1 (day)?
Association game
=Streghness and Weaknesses
=Die Hard
=John McClay
=hard out
=David Gray
=Orange apple juice
=Chuck berry
Friday, December 02, 2005
Quote of the day
It is time to start preparing for April fool's day
(preparing for lies)
Finance exam is over=My life is overit was over so many times this term
Which is the worse situation?
1, 'you are almost dead' or 'you are almost alive'
2, 'Someone shouting in a toilet' or 'A toilet shouting at someone'
3, 'Road of the Ring' or 'Lord of the Ling'
Ling- A freshwater fish (Molva molva) related to burbot
4, 'iPot' or 'lPod' (not I its L)
5, 'You look like a pig' or 'a pig looks like you'
6, 'A Fish and a Chip' or 'Fishes(raw) and Chips'
7, 'Cheese Bugger' or 'Chiken Bugger'
8, TV show 'Friend (only one friend)' or 'Friend's (not your friends)'
9, 'Xbox 362(fake) or 'Praystation'
10, 'C' or 'Crap'
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Quote of the day
I was the one (not anymore) so whats the point?
On 29th November, French spiderman was arrested.
Why always Spider+man, bat+man, Hulk, super+man?
okay, I made new heros then.
-20GB over 5000 songs
-smells like onion
-can shut down hisself (needs someone to turn on)
-got ink in his body
-a Brother of Penman
-He is the man of men
-Police bit him and he become a police
-always on time
-C for Crap
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Quote of the day
I agree that
Scouse Pigeons
"Scouse Pigeons are brave"
Student Seiji Nakano said.
I was walking to school this morning. There were 6-11 Pigeons on the road. I had to walked into them.
They didnt fly away!
so I nearly fell over trying not to kick them
I think Pigeons are getting stronger and stronger
This could happen at anytime
The world is changing
History is made everydayI really worry about my drawing skill
C for Crap
Monday, November 28, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Quote of the day
Sitting, Waiting, Washing
Chapter 1
Last Friday night
Me and Jonathan had a try going to "Road Kill" the new night night club.
Friday night. yes. everyone goes out having a drink and dancing around.
A Bouncer: Thanks for coming
Me, Jonathan:...? thats unusual. Bouncers never says thank you.
so we paid £2 to get in.
I now know why they said THANK YOU
Chapter 2
On Saturday night, there were three party happening.
first went to jennas then went to corines. then came back to jennas.
Yea, so far so good.
Then we decided to go to warehouse party.
We decided to take a taxi to get there.
this is a conversation we had on the taxi
Seiji: so you know exactly where we going?
Everyone:... no.
Perfect, just perfect.
we couldn't get there anyway.
C for Crap
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
Quote of the day
Hang on, is it law or raw?
Law exam is over = my life is over
Global warming issue
"We find that CO2 is about 30% higher than at any time, and methane 130% higher than at any time; and the rates of increase are absolutely exceptional: for CO2, 200 times faster than at any time in the last 650,000 years."
said Professor someone.
World is changing.
Day after Tomorrow is not just a movie. even tho it was a bit crap
CO2 is the main reason for the Global warming.
I made some easy remedies for making less CO2 (Crap Oxygen 2 the film)
1, Breathe less than you normally do. try not to kill yourself
2, dont use fire anymore.
3, Use O2 phone.
4, take C for Crap off from CO2
5, Do photosynthesis at least 5 hours a day
6, dont drive a car, use your feet. If you cant live without a car, push it.
7, plant in your house (not weed)
8, talk to them everyday (dont be shy)
9, now you have no friends
10, means no one likes you
So, Now you can do something for our precious earth.
we have to take care of it.
Please be aware of the environment issues, its not only on TV.
(unexpected serious conclusion)
C for Crap
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Quote of the day
Final anwer?
"Who wants to be a millionaire"
I made new TV series
Part one
Who wanted to be a millionaire?
-Failers answering painful quetions
e.g. How much do you have in your bank?
.......C for Crap
Final answer?
.... Yes...(crying)
Part two
Who wants to make me a millionaire?
Presenter: I am looking for a sponcer
Part three
Who wants to be a millionaire or broke?
If you fail answering a quetion, they will take £1,000 from your bank for each quetion.
Part four
Seiji wants to be a mirrionaire
Part five
Seiji wants to sleep rather than writing this C post
its 4:50am now
C for Crap
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Quote of the day
Could you please tell Jack to tell Jack A to tell Jack B to tell Jack C to tell Jack Dee to tell Jack E to tell Jack to tell Jack F to tell Jack G to tell Jack H to tell Jack I to tell Jack J to tell John McClane that We cant wait to see Die hard 4.0?
Jack J: Stop making a stupid movie.
After I left New Zealand (Thnx, Avril, and Alex)
One of my kiwi (NZ) friends sent me an email with a picture.
A picture of one page of NZ Music Magazine whatever it was
Seiji: Whats this all about? CD cover design contest?
I dont get why she sent it to me.
The Picture of Me and Sam in NZ!
We look sooo stupid
Oh well, if its gonna be on the someones CD
I denetately will buy at least ten one CD.
C for Crap
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Quote of the day
breakfast:nutella lunch:nutella dinner:nutella
sigh... Im so le tired today
How to make coffee
To wake me up, I made a great coffee
Here is instruction
1, you need a cup and a coffee(nescafe would be the best
2, put a fork in the coffee
3, swich on the kettle and wait with doing a handstand
4, When water is done, heat up the door knob (then no one can come in)
5, Pour the hot water into the cup
6, pour milk. (caution! you have to be careful not to take mayonnaise)
7, have a great time with your coffee
C for CoffeeCrap
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Quote of the day
I saw such a great gig last night!
and now, I woke up at 1:30. Yes, I could sleep so well. for nearly 12 hours.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter is out now.
Unfortunately Harry, Daniel Radcliffe might not be acting for last Harry Potter.
That would be awful to watch other guy who looks like him acting as Harry. He is not the one anyway.
Well, I have to stop him, or find someone better then him.
Harry Potter's image
- Shy
- The one
- Boy
- Scar
- Glasses
scar and glasses
scar and glasses!!
Yes thats it!
I think its working!

so what do you think, director?
C for Crap

Friday, November 18, 2005
Quote of the day
English Lesson 4
How long have you been waiting for me?
Not you
Edward Scissorhands
Matthew Bourn will be performing Edward ScissorSistershands at Sadler's Wall in London.
My favourite movie Edward ScissorSistershands will be performed by the guy who did SwanLake on Stage!! Woa, thats sooo coool! I liked SwanLake too.
Well, I am expecting to see a Scissorhanded guy dancing....
Wait a sec.
Isnt it too dangerous dancing with scissors?
it would be nightmare if someone got hurt on stage
I have to do some thing
I made New Edward ScissorSistershands
Edward Cutterhands
Still dangerous but you can put the edge in when he dances.
Edward Handshands
he can work 5 times faster than us
Edward Cornhands
He doesnt have to worry about feeding hisself (at least for 5-10 days)
Edward Noodlehair
he can eat his own hair
I wanna see that show!!
C for Crap
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Quote of the day
I had a dream (the past tense)
The Murderer in Liverpool
5:32pm 17th November 2005 Liverpool (typing sound)
Mr. Ketchup: (gasp)....no, please dont kill me. Please!!
....Next day
someone screaming
someone: Oh no! Mr. Ketchup is dead.
Police arrives
doing an inspection of the scene
Police: hmm I cant find anything.
Mrs. Waterbottle: Last night I saw someone running away! He looked quite white!!
Pepper brothers who know Mr. Ketchup well: Mr Ketchup was having a money trouble with Mr. Mayonnaise.
Police: Do you have anything to say?
Mr. Mayonnaise: No, sir. I did it. I.. bla bla bla bla bla
There was a story behind when I smashed a ketchup.Oh well, what a wasting time!
I must be tired
C for Crap