Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Quote of the day
I should write it down before I forget the feeling


Dear whom I don't know the name

Thank you very much for telling me your life story and your advice.
When I saw tears in your eyes, dont know why, I was crying a bit as well.
I probably didn't understand all of things you said, but I could feel it.
When you said you are tired of thinking and now stopped thinking trying to be stronger, I couldnt say anything although I tried to. It was something Ive never thought of, but it's been here and will be...

And please forgive me asking you such a question. I hope you were not insulted.
But you kindly answered the question. I could see tears in your eyes again.
You said "sometimes yes, sometimes no, but Im probably trying to protect myself more than that" You showed a lot of expressions on your face. I could tell that you have experienced more than I can imagine.

I am very glad that I chose to walk to Midtown after work and sitting the bench in Union Square randomly. It was very nice to see you.

We probably won't recognize each other when we walk pass by next time.
But I really wish your happiness.
And I don't know how my life will be but I will do my best in my life as you do in your life.


Seiji Nakano

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